Sweet Almond

Carrier oils are very important in my practice as they are used for all types of massage.  They also have their own therapeutic properties.  This week I have chosen Sweet Almond Oil.

Sweet Almond Oil is a natural, cold-pressed oil with a neutral aroma that provides the perfect base for you to create your own blend of aromatherapy oils to suit your mood. The softening and nourishing effects of sweet almond oil means it can be used alone as a face or body oil.

It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals including vitamin E which helps to keep skin healthy and protects from UV radiation damage.  Helps to keep your skin supple and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. This oil also contains vitamin A which helps to reduce acne and enhance the skin’s tone and texture., monounsaturated fatty acids, potassium, zinc, and protein help your skin retain moisture and soothe irritated and chapped skin.

It helps to treat sore and tired muscles; it has properties that assist in quicker wound healing

Sweet almond oil may also cure dandruff by deeply moisturizing and removing dead skin cells on the scalp. Author Sylvia Sage in her book, How to Overcome Dandruff and Other Scalp Disorders, recommends massaging your scalp with gently warmed sweet almond oil, preferably mixed with olive oil. Leave on for an hour and wash off with a mild shampoo to clean your scalp of flakes.

The Emollient properties of this oil promote soothes inflamed skin, useful in reducing the itch in eczema, psoriasis, and dry skin.  Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties can be used to help soothe sunburn.